
   Tokachi Mainich Newspapers, Inc. is involved in approximately 600 events annually, including 150 events we sponsor, in areas such as culture, sports, and education, with the goal of energizing local communities.

   In cooperation with the City of Obihiro and the Obihiro Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we have sponsored the Northern District Agriculture and Forestry Exposition (1982), Midorium (1992), and Demeter—Tokachi International Contemporary Art Exhibition (2002). These major events were designed to present a future vision of Tokachi.

   From 2004 to 2007, we co-organized Rally Japan, a round of the prestigious World Rally Championship. We believe this promoted the development of Tokachi.

   Kachimai Fireworks, the largest fireworks display in Hokkaido, is a well-established feature of summer in Tokachi. The Kachimai Home Center, a model housing show that offers housing styles suitable for Tokachi's climate, and the Tokachi Cultural Award, co-sponsored by the non-profit Tokachi Culture Council, are further examples of the variety of events we support. We are proud of our contribution to Tokachi’s progress.


Fireworks Display

It is considered one of the best fireworks displays in Japan. More than 20,000 fireworks are set off and the event attracts 140,000 spectators from around Hokkaido and Japan.


Home Center

In cooperation with residential construction companies in Tokachi, the Center displays new housing styles suitable for Tokachi's climate.

-- Tokachi Mainichi Newspaper, Inc.--
2, Minami-8, Higashi-1, Obihiro, Hokkaido 080-8688, Japan Tel:0155-22-2121 Fax:0155-25-2700